Con le tasche piene di sogni, siamo pronte a volare oltreoceano verso nuovi orizzonti! Destinazione? …NEW YORK CITY! In occasione di Coterie 2024, le creazioni STRINGART lasciano l’Italia e atterrano, per la prima volta, a Manhattan. Mentre l’aereo sta per decollare l’aria è carica di entusiasmo: finalmente possiamo raccontare la nostra visione Made in Italy with Love. Officially ON AIR 🖤 ★ With pockets full of dreams, we are ready to fly overseas towards new horizons! Destination? …NEW YORK CITY! On the occasion of Coterie 2024, STRINGART creations are leaving Italy and landing, for the first time, in Manhattan. As the plane is about to take off, the air is filled with excitement: we can finally share our vision, Made in Italy with Love. Officially ON AIR 🖤 Coterie New York Booth 5226 22/24 September